The Main St. Magic Mix

Malibu / Orange Vodka / Peach Schnapps / Triple Sec / Pineapple and Orange Juice / Cream 

The Blue Bedford
Raspberry Vodka / Blue Curacao / Sour and Lemon Lime soda / Seltzer 

Light and Dark Rum / Amaretto / Lemon Lime Soda / Orange and Cranberry Juice 

Absolut Currant / Triple Sec / Lime and Cranberry Juice 

Long Island Ice Tea
Vodka / Gin / Rum / Triple Sec / Tequila / Sweet and Sour Mix/ Cola 

Brandy or Whiskey / Sweet Vermouth / Bitters 

Old Fashioned
Brandy or Whiskey / Bitters / Sweet or Sour 

Vodka or Gin / Dry Vermouth 

Tequila Sunrise
Tequila / Orange Juice / Grenadine 

White Russian
Vodka / Kahlua / Cream